Other Projects

Partner - University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions (http://sphhp.buffalo.edu/).

Multi-year funding to support student global health fellowships, for global health speakers and meetings, the basic operations of the Office of Global Health Initiatives, and provide support for refugee health initiatives.


Partner - Freedom from Hunger (http://www.freedomfromhunger.org).

Multi-year funding that supports efforts at poverty alleviation and the advancement of the integration of microfinance and health in India.


Feasibility study prepared by The Nature Conservancy of New Mexico to assess best approaches for improving access to needed water for farming to achieve Navajo Nation food sovereignty.


Provide multi-year support for a unique hospice program that serves both adults and children in the same facility.


Provide multi-year support for a unique program that improves the quality of life for frail and vulnerable elderly.